If there’s one thing I’ve learned from the 30/30 poetry challenge I did back in January (was it really that long ago?), it’s that writing everyday is hard. But in the end, it’s incredibly fulfilling. I hadn’t written anything for months, and forcing myself to write one poem everyday was like going on a reverse detox. A poetry binge, I might say. What I got out of it were several poems I might not have written otherwise, some better than others. A few were performance material, and that was what surprised me the most, given my insistent stage fright. The point is, I completed the challenge and wrote everyday for 30 days (taking one freebie day to account for the extra day in the month).
So now I’ve decided to take up a new challenge. I will write a blog post everyday for a month (shout out to @ABCWrites for tacking on the extra two weeks in her tweet about the challenge; I was initially only going to write for two weeks, but a month would be optimal). The topics will vary, much like the poems I wrote for the 30/30 did. Some will be reaction pieces, others general observations, or whatever happens to pop into my head when I sit down to write. This will be hard for two reasons:
- I’m going back to school in two weeks. Once I get settled back into campus life, I have no idea what my writing schedule will be.
- I’m away from my computer for hours at a time most days, and by the time I get back to it, I want nothing more than to watch TV or read Dorkly or Cracked for an hour and then go to sleep.
- I can write before or between classes, or at the end of my day (since I’m often up until the wee hours of the morning anyway, it shouldn’t be too hard to get something done).
- I can download the WordPress app on my phone and write while I’m on the train, bus, or whenever I have a free moment.
As I close this post, I’d like to leave you all with this great poster I found months ago and haven’t looked at again until today. I hope it inspires you all to pick up a pen and paper, start working on that novel or short story you’ve been putting off, or just write down your thoughts for the day.

Can’t wait to see what you churn out during these next 30 days!